Refund and Returns Policy


For returns and exchanges, please e-mail a request to with an attached photo of the items you wish to return, and we’ll carefully deliberate your request and give feedback or process within 7 to 14 working days, depending on the reason for the request. Please bear in mind that all shipping charges back to us and again to you will be of your responsibility. Please make sure your items are returned new, unused and sealed. Maharlika Perfumes reserves the right to refuse return of any product that does not meet the return requirements.


Damaged Items

Please email to with attached photos of the damage/defective items. If the item for exchange is not available, then we will give your account store credits or give you a discount equivalent to the refund amount. Maharlika Perfumes reserves the right to refuse the replacement of damaged items if it there is insufficient proof.


Incorrect or Incomplete Items

Please email to detailing the error within 7 working days after receiving the item and Maharlika Perfume shall rectify it accordingly depending on the documentations or evidences provided.